Contributor’s Name (Your Name): Emily Stephens

We are going to undertake a two-day overnight adventure to Camp Warren, which is located in Decatur,IL . On this experience we will be exploring the world of outdoor education. Through our experiences at Camp Warren we hope to gain a deeper appreciation or understanding of our natural world around us. We will be immersed in our natural world and take part in several activities to enjoy our surroundings. We also will learn the different career paths that are present at Camp Warren and how to obtain those careers.

Theme: Outdoor Education/Community Building

Geared toward ages: 7th and 8th Grade

    Kick off: Paper Chain
    Seminar Title: Lost Child in the Woods

Discussion Topics: Understanding and appreciating nature A changing world Nature vs. Technology Basic Needs

Group Initiative: Toe on the Rope

Project: Outdoor Activities

Outside Opportunity: Community Service-Landscaping

    Author’s note: This will be our first time doing any overnight outdoor education.