Contributor’s Name (Your Name): Corri Gilbertson

The Genius Squad Service Learning class is traveling to the Technology Services Center for Saint Paul Public Schools to immerse students in the experience of a person in the technology field and to understand how those individual jobs make it possible for us to use the technology that we have provided for us in SPPS. A secondary goal is for students to discover a technology field that they may consider getting educated in for a future career. During this time, students will tour the facility and small groups will interview an employee in the department of their choice. When we return to Parkway, students will do service work creating a form of service announcement/lesson to teach safety on the internet with use of VPNs and 3rd party companies, a form of service announcement/lesson on best practices for maintaining computers/ipads OR creating a persuasive piece to present to the Mayor about providing all residents of Saint Paul, MN free wifi as well as why this is necessary.

Theme: Connections

Geared toward ages: 11-14

    Kick off: Technology Scattergories
    Seminar Title: “Luis von Ahn: Massive-scale online collaboration” TED Talk

Discussion Topics: technology, social justice

Group Initiative: No Teeth Stories

Project: Public Service Announcement

Outside Opportunity: Going to district’s Technology Services Center

    Author’s note: This is rather specific to my students, but please take your kids to see such places!