Contributor’s Name (Your Name): S Denise May

While staying in hostels, students will spend half a week in San Francisco and half a week at Rodeo Beach in the Marin Headlands. Day !: Travel and research, then a celebratory dinner on the wharf. Day 2: Small neighborhood field studies, then a sharing out. Day 3:Walk to Golden Gate Bridge for a presentation from an ironworker, then hike over to Rodeo Beach. Day 4: Small groups explorations and a share-out. Day 5: Hike to Sausalito for a ferry ride across the bay, then back to school!

Theme: Foundations, Leadership, Community Building, Neighborhood Study

Geared toward ages: Middle School

    Kick off: Mindfulness Retreat
    Seminar Title: The Cat & the Coffee Drinkers

Project: Offrenda