Instructor’s Name: Donna Vandiver

Middle school will be taking a culminating field study as our Adventure Trip this year. It is directly related to the Cycle 5 thematic unit of Interdependence. The majority of the funds for this trip were earned by our class through the MS businesses. With this trip, we are given the chance to celebrate the fruits of our labor, put our real world trip planning expertise to use and enjoy one last experience with our unique community. On our adventure trip we will be experiencing interdependence of people, place and culture in Kansas City. Our experiences will be with music at the American Jazz Museum, Cooking and Service at the KC Culinary Art Institute, Sports Statistics at the KC Royals Baseball Game, High Adventure Challenges at the Heartland Center, Running a Business Model at Worlds of Fun and Environmental Education at Science City.

Theme: Interdependence

Geared toward ages: Middle School

    Kick off: Symbols representing interests
    Seminar Title: The Lorax

Discussion Topics: NA

Group Initiative: What are you doing?

Project: NA

Outside Opportunity: Service opportunity. Making a weeks of meals for a family in needs throught the KC Culinary Institute

    Author’s note: NA