Contributor’s Name (Your Name): Gideon Smith

Students will visit the art center of the world — New York — to explore the history of art. Students will work in groups to create daily itineraries to explore New York’s many museums and galleries. The intersession will begin in Cincinnati with an introduction to art history and its methods, learning about art’s place within individual societies and cultures, and how to navigate New York City. Students will travel to New York and stay overnight for the second week of intersession. Each student will use the knowledge they have gained the first week to research an artist and a work of art, present findings to the intersession at the museum or gallery and finally present their research in a gallery walk back at Clark.

Theme: Perspective

Geared toward ages: 15-18

    Kick off: Art Speed Dating
    Seminar Title: TED Talk – A Journey Through the Mind of an Artist

Group Initiative: boxcar tag; elbow tag; giants, wizards, and elves

Project: Research paper using art history and criticism methods

Outside Opportunity: 4 day field study in New York City at art museums