Contributor’s Name (Your Name): Krista Mertens

Seminar- Sense of Belonging
Standards/objective- 7th/8th science combined in 2 yr. cycle
Planning Calendar- 7th/8th math/science Cycle 1
Thematic Kick Off- Sense of Belonging all subjects 7th/8th
Culminating Activity- Sense of Belonging
Group Initiative- overarches many themes
Lesson Plan/Mont. Material- First Great Lesson w/ SW
Lesson Plan/Philosophy-KWL chart, card sort lesson and short vid about Montessori
Lesson Plan/SW-Embedded in SMART Goal Lesson
Lesson Plan/Academic- 7th Math, integer chip lesson
Opportunity Outside of Classroom-Urban Wilderness Packet
Shelfwork-Science, First Great Lesson SW (card sort, journals, and video work)
Curriculum Cover Page-Theme, Sense of Belonging
Checklist- two weeks + template
Student Project Packet- 7th/8th science
General Rubric- Goes with Checklist/weekly reflection+goals

Theme: Sense of Belonging

Geared toward ages: 12-14

    Kick off: Sense of Belonging, all subjects
    Seminar Title: One More Lesson

Group Initiative: Overarching Theme

Project: Science- Layers of the Earth

Outside Opportunity: Urban Wilderness