Instructor’s Name: Emily Berry

“Connecting With the Farm Experience” is an opportunity to students in a moderate to severe disability classroom to learn about farming and agriculture firsthand and to experience the therepeutic benefits of farming. We will take monthly volunteer outings to practice our farming kills and put our newfound knowledge to action.

Theme: Change

Geared toward ages: 14-20

Kick off

    : “A Second A Day From Birth” video

Seminar Title

    : “The Food We Eat”

Discussion Topics: 1. What are some different jobs on a farm with animals? 2. What are some different jobs on a farm with gardening? 3. In what ways is farming important for you to live? 4. What are some good and some bad things that farmers have to deal with in their job? 5. How does farming affect your life in ways you didn’t realize before? 6. How can you help farming? 7. How can you hurt farming?

Group Initiative: Creating a Farmer’s Market

Project: N/A

Outside Opportunity: Parky’s Farm and Gorman Heritage Farm

Author’s note

    : This program is designed for use in a self-contained multiple disabilities grade 9-12 classroom.