Instructor’s Name: Beau & Krista (Co Teachers)

This is our transformation Unit. It contains 8th grade government lessons of how the U.S. transformed from colonies into a nation. t also includes materials on westward expansion and the growing nation. Students were required to write a promotion essay self-reflecting on prior performance. They had promotion conferences 1:1 with their teacher to discuss goals for the remainder pot the school year. It also contains our unit on To Kill A Mockingbird. This unit explores the different literary standards. In the TKAM folder, there is an awesome impressionistic lesson Krista created for our kick-off to this novel. It also contains differentiated work for the major units and projects.

Theme: Transformation

Geared toward ages: 7th and 8th grade

    Kick off: Baby to adolescent
    Seminar Title: Westward Expansion Picture

Discussion Topics: Transformed Over Life

Project: Capstone Project

Outside Opportunity: Leadership Camp