Instructor’s Name: Amy Orvis

Project includes activities for understanding Down Syndrome (web quests, seminars, jig-saw readings, etc), letter to parents, rationale, guiding questions, and ideas for student planning and implementing of an evening of fun event for peers with Down Syndrome at local Gigi’s Playhouse (Down syndrome Awareness Center)

Theme: Embracing differences

Geared toward ages: Adolescent

    Kick off: “Claim It”
    Seminar Title: Year Down This Path: A Father’s Perspective on Down Syndrome: Bethany’s Biggest Fan

Discussion Topics: uniqueness, commonalities, acceptance, creativity, compassion

Group Initiative: Pipe Cleaner Similarities

Project: scrapbook

Outside Opportunity: Student-created evening event at Down Syndrome Awareness Center

    Author’s note: This project was very successful. The students created a “Luau under the Stars” event with teens with Down Syndrome. Enjoyed by all, written up in the newspaper, scheduled one for following spring right away